Last update: 31 January 2025.
"International demand and the variety of provision by UK Higher Education Institutions", with Giorgio Fazio, Masa Hamano and Salvatore Di Novo.
How do mass lay-offs affect regional economies?, OECD LEED Paper No. 2023/01, with Nils Braakmann
Policies for resilient local economics, OECD LEED Paper No. 2022/09.
Michel Beine, University of Luxembourg, Luxembourg.
Nils Braakmann, Newcastle University, UK
Gunes Gokmen, Lund University, Sweden.
Masashige Hamano, Waseda University, Japan.
Andreja Pegan, University of Primorska, Slovenia.
Erica Perego, CEPII, France.
Pierre-Louis Vézina, King's College, UK.
ISBN: 978-90-04-26031-3.
an edited version of Chapter 3 is available at E-Internal Relations (05/2014)
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The Conversation, "Foreign parliaments are not powerless to help the Rohingya – their pressure on Myanmar is vital.", 27 November 2017.
"Moving Parts: Immigration Policy, Internal Migration and Natural Resource Shocks", C.D. HOWE Institute, commentary, NO. 446, 10 March 2016, by Michel Beine, Robin W. Boadway and Serge Coulombe.
"Migration can boost the economy", Reach Magazine, Newcastle University, January 2018.
DOI 10.3138/gsp.4.2.221
Note: The published article is a quite different from the Working Paper, which has the title "The Role of the Netherlands in the international response to the crisis in Darfur."
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This paper is merged into "Manufacturing in a Natural Resource Based Economy: Evidence from Canadian Plants".
Edited by Harry Verhoeven,
Hurst publishers / Oxford University Press, September 2018.
Note: Prepared for the Workshop "The Geopolitics of Natural Resources in the Middle East" organised by the Center for International and Regional Studies, Georgetown University School of Foreign Service in Qatar.
For copyright reasons a working paper cannot be made available for this research. However, one page chapter summaries for all contributed chapters are available by clicking the button below.
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Royal Economic Society (RES) 2018 Annual Conference, media briefing., "Imperial Roots of Global Trade", 1 February 2020.
Earlier version distributed under the title: "Adapting to within-country export barriers: Evidence from the Japan 2011 Tsunami"
Presented: (163.4MB) (26.8KB)
Close Journal (open access) Working paper (Jan 2019)Waseda (WP, Jul 2017)OxCARRE (WP, Sep. 2017)Keywords: Natural resources, Heterogeneous firms, Regional economics
JEL: L6, O4, R11, R15.
This project was funded by the Productivity Partnership which is supported by the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada.
Keywords: Borders regions; firms; exports; EU enlargement; Schengen; central and eastern Europe
Keywords: natural disasters; Bayesian Panel VAR; DSGE; regional spill-overs; counterfactual analysis
Close JournalTCER (WP)Keywords: Electric vehicles; Green subsidies; Carbon policy
Close JournalKeywords: Resource extraction; fiscal- and direct economic spillovers; decentralization; subnational government budgets; South-East Asia; Indonesia
CloseOxCARRE (Nov 2019)
Edited by Stella Tsani and Indra Overland,
Elgar, 2021
Keywords: labour demand, local labour markets, COVID-19, economic crisis, MSA, US
CloseOECDKeywords: Creative and Cultural Industries; International business; International trade; UK Creative and Cultural Industries; International Students; UK Higher Education Italy; social economy; Spain; productivity; cooperatives; regional economics
CloseOECDPolicy highlights (pdf)Keywords: local development, place-based policy, Italy, remote work, teleworking, Trentino
CloseOECDKeywords: economic shocks, regional economic systems, subnational economic policy, COVID-19, industrial change, megatrends, regional economic resilience, recessions
CloseOECDKeywords: mass lay-offs; local labour market; regional resilience; economic shocks
CloseOECDKeywords: Mass layoff; voting; UK; Political attitudes
CloseJournal (open access)Keywords: Covid-19, Labour demand, dose-response
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European countries:
Data on online job postings represents an important source of information for local labour markets. Many countries lack statistics on labour demand that are sufficiently up-to-date and disaggregated across regions, sectors and occupations. Web-scraped data from online job postings can provide further insights on the trends in labour demand and the skills needed across regions, sectors and occupations. This paper assesses the comparability and validity between Lightcast and other data sources for Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Germany, Hungary, the Netherlands, Portugal, Romania, Spain and Sweden, for the years 2019 to 2022 across regions, sectors and occupations. It concludes with some recommendations for labour market analysts that want to use data on online job postings for assessing labour demand trends.
Keywords: unconventional data sources, Lightcast (Burning Glass), big data, vacancy data, online job postings
Close English speaking countries (OECD) European countries (OECD)Keywords: High growth firms, SMEs, business growth, regional business environment, mobile firms
Close OECDKeywords: subnational productivity, international comparison, drivers of productivity, sectoral analysis
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